Anastasia Bizyukova

Russia, Moscow

People have been hating on the word "advertising" for decades.

These days, it feels like our industry is suffering from a pretty severe bout of loathing. And I don’t understand that.

Nevertheless, there are so many aspects of advertising that I find absolutely fascinating (far too many for a single post) but I think the most prominent reason why I love this field so much is that it allows customers to get a glimpse of the human side of business. It isn’t only about selling people stuff they don’t want or need or doing anything to make money. It’s about forming an emotional connection that has the ability to create a lifelong bond.

My heart-shaped wish is that we take back the word Advertising and collectively love it for what it is at its creative best: the most powerful economic-driver, business problem-solver, culture-changing, dream-maker in the world. How can anyone not love that?
